terça-feira, outubro 02, 2012

Versos do dia: Had Me (Joss Stone)

"(...) You had me 
You lost me 
You're wasted 
You cost me 
I don't want you here messing with my mind 

Spitting in my eyes and I still see
Tried to keep me down
I'm breaking free
I don't want no part in your next fix
Someone needs to tell you this is it

I've realized in time that my eyes are not blind 
I've seen it before I'm taking back my life (...)"

2 comentários:

Misha disse...

Que puxa! Esta música devia ser meu hino! :)

Mercúrio disse...

A Joss Stone tem umas letras muito bacanas sobre relacionamentos amorosos. Além de ser linda e das músicas terem um swing soul super ótimos! :-)